Find Reporting Services (SSRS) Reports using Dynamics CRM (DB)

Recently we migrated a CRM 4.0 implementation to Dynamics CRM Online. As part of the migration, we revamped all scripts, integration and reports connecting to CRM.

Once the system was live, it was discovered that the DBA has created some reports that were hosted in an SSRS server that was not connected to CRM. There was no CRM local or shared data-source.

DBA decided to use the data from CRM within joins of some of his reports. So he added CRM as a linked DB to his SQL server and then developed queries within the reports that uses data from CRM as well as from his SQL DBs. These reports were not available in any of the lower environments or in source code repository. The only way to identify the reports consuming data from CRM, as per him, was to export reports from SSRS and open their definitions one-by-one, which was cumbersome, for around 60 reports hosted on the SSRS server.

Fortunately, with the help of some forums, I was able to come up with the following query to list all SQL queries within all reports reading data from CRM DB. This query will list reports and the SQL statements within these reports consuming data from CRM DB:

Declare @Namespace NVARCHAR(500)

Declare @SQL   VARCHAR(max)




,CHARINDEX(‘”‘,x.CatContent,x.CIndex+7) – x.CIndex






FROM Reportserver.dbo.Catalog C

WHERE C.Content is not null

AND C.Type  = 2

) X


SELECT @Namespace = REPLACE(@Namespace,’xmlns=”‘,”) + ” ;


SELECT @SQL = ‘WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( DEFAULT ”’ + @Namespace + ”’, ”” AS rd )

SELECT  ReportName        = name

,DataSetName        = x.value(”(@Name)[1]”, ”VARCHAR(250)”)

,DataSourceName    = x.value(”(Query/DataSourceName)[1]”,”VARCHAR(250)”)

,CommandText        = x.value(”(Query/CommandText)[1]”,”VARCHAR(500)”)

,Fields            = df.value(”(@Name)[1]”,”VARCHAR(250)”)

,DataField        = df.value(”(DataField)[1]”,”VARCHAR(250)”)

,DataType        = df.value(”(rd:TypeName)[1]”,”VARCHAR(250)”)


FROM  ReportServer.dbo.Catalog C

WHERE  C.Content is not null

AND  C.Type = 2

) a

CROSS APPLY reportXML.nodes(”/Report/DataSets/DataSet”) r ( x )

CROSS APPLY x.nodes(”Fields/Field”) f(df)

Where x.value(”(Query/CommandText)[1]”,”VARCHAR(500)”) LIKE ”%_MSCRM%”

ORDER BY name ‘


Author: Akif

I am a techie who likes to explore new technologies and work on new ideas. My core technologies are SharePoint, MS CRM, Commerce Server and WRMS. So feel free to ask anything about them

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