Women are problem

1. To find a woman you need time and money therefore :

                                          Woman = Time * Money


2.Time is  money therefore :

                                          Time = Money


3. Therefore :

                                          Woman = (Money)^2


4. Since Money is the root of all problems therefore :

                                           Money = (Problem)^0.5

5. Therefore:

                                          Woman = ((Problem)^0.5)^2

or                                      Woman = Problem             

Just memories

Have u ever thought what have u become. Is it the way u were sometimes back. I still remember giving cockroaches in envelopes as a gift to my class-fellow girls, putting water filled shoping beggs on their seats, tonting teachers in the class, checking the stuff in the purses of girls, getting money from others by hidding their stuffs, hanging out with frds for playing cards or even for sharing my dreams, giving flowers on valentine day to my teacher in front of the whole class, jumping from first floor and then running from rangers and so many things. The life was only full of fun and some study;). Even teaching junior classes for the sake of fun or only pocket money. I never thought that thse things will one day vanish and even the frds that share these memories with me will not b with me.
I still want to do these things but how? Can I go back..

Back to Dubai

Can we call the life of a software engineer a life. Simply I think he is an IWorker who worked day-in day-out and in the end only get personal satisfaction. I was forced to leave for Dubai on Monday morning 4th time in the year. I think at the end of this year I will have spent more time in Dubai than in Pakistan.
At present I m workin on our client Lucky Recycling Co, Dubai for Client support work and I think providing support for others work is more interesting than one’s own. Khair now I ll be able to blog more consistently than Karachi.
Today I when I was playing with datetime formats just come across a very simple thing that we usually just ignore i.e. how to display datetime in AM or PM format. Just Initialize a culture object and set its display format and AM, PM display formats like:

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR");

culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = "d/M/yyyy hh:mm tttt";

culture.DateTimeFormat.AMDesignator = "A.M.";

culture.DateTimeFormat.PMDesignator = "P.M.";

col.FormatInfo = culture;


where tttt shows tat AM or PM should be displayed after time, hh represents that hrs should be displayed from 1-12 and finally we initialize AM and PM designators. In the final line I set the FormatInfo property of my datatime column to this culture.